The Sketch Book of El Pollo Diablo


Shadows of the Deep

  Shadows of the Deep


Part one: The healing lady’s Decision


Izzy and Roddy were Identical in almost every way. They both had curly black hair and stormy blue eyes. They weren’t twins, but they were only a year apart in age. In fact there appearance was so similar were often mistaken for twins. However, those that knew them well would recognize Izzy (who was the eldest) had an older, wiser expression. Roddy however had eyes that glinted with mischief and people were often much more wary of her.

The two sisters lived with there mother, who was a healing lady. Sometimes there father lived with them too, but he was a sailor and was often away at sea. When he was at home, the whole family would sit by the fire and listen to his tales of the sea. They would sit enchanted as he told them of great storms that could flip a ship over, and they herd about strange sea creatures and of old sea legends and superstitions.

Izzy and Roddy longed to go with there father. They did when they were older. On those voyages they learned all about being a sailor: How to tie knots of all kinds, how to steer the ship, and how to do all the other little tasks that were necessary. There mother never came on these trips, for the village needed there healing lady. When they returned she was always there waiting for them, overjoyed to see her family once more. She never told anyone, but she feared for them. The sea was dangerous.

 Her fears were well founded. For one day they left and she never saw them again.

The other villagers were sympathetic to there healing lady’s loss. “Such a shame” they would say “had there whole life ahead of them” but the healing lady believed that her daughters were still out there somewhere. So she saved all the money that she got and bought a ship. She went out to sea to search for her family. And she refused to come back until she found them.



Part Two: The storm


The sea was angry. The wind was relentless and the water lashed at the deck of the S.S. Marie. Izzy, Roddy and there father worked there hearts out trying to sail through the storm. They worked diligently at there tasks and tried to appear calm, for panic meant death. One wrong move and the wind would bring Marie to the bottom of the sea. So each sister worked harder and harder minutes seemed like hours. They were battling against the elements and also, battling against fear. Izzy and Roddy were young and strong but there father was not. He knew this was one fight they couldn’t win. Somewhere deep in side of him, hope died. So when the final blow came he maid no effort to stop it. He only made one prayer: Gods help my children. Save them in exchange for my life.

The sisters screamed with pure unmasked terror as the S.S. Marie made its last voyage to the bottom of the sea


Part 3: The gods


The gods hear the first mortal to pray to them in Millions of years.

“shall we help this mortal”

“I’ll help one, what you do  with the other is entirely up to you”

“there half dead already”

Golden frog pauses for a moment, Then he makes his decision and heads once more into the sea to answer the call.


The legend of Golden frog and Red Koi, brothers of the sea, are passed down generation through generation of sailors. The details vary depending on who tells it but the core of the stories has survived the test of time. Izzy and Roddy’s fathers version of the story goes something like this:  In the beginning, clever Golden frog and wise Red Koi ruled over the entire sea. But something was missing. Golden frog and Red Koi thought hard about this, but no mater how hard they thought, the could not figure out what. One day Golden frog decided to search the land to see if he could find an answer there. Red Koi wished to go as well, but land was forbidden to him so he stayed behind.

 During his time on land Golden frog saw trees, animals and many other wonders. Golden frog now knew what was missing. The sea was barren and lifeless.

So together, Golden frog and Red Koi created coral, fish, kelp, dolphins and all other life in the sea.

Red Koi dedicated his life to helping his creatures in his kingdom. Golden frog dedicated his life to “protecting” its inhabitants from unwelcome visitors. Golden frog is said to be able to destroy any boat that does not respect the sea. To this day it is said that Red Koi will help a drowning person and Golden frog is still at large, preying on unsuspecting sailors…


Part Four: Daughter of the golden frog


Roddy plumbited through darkness. The waves shook her like a rag doll and then effortlessly dragged her under. She struggled to breath but there was no air, only salt and darkness. She was sure her death was near. But a small voice spoke into her mind “not yet child, not yet” Roddy slipped into darkness.


            When Roddy first awoke she was only aware of a dull weak beating deep inside her chest. Thump thump……thump thump…. It was her heart she realized. She was alive. But where was she? Suddenly she remembered everything, the ship, the storm… her family. “No” she thought “there’s no time for that now! Sadness later, I need to learn what situation I’m in now.”

            Roddy found she was lying on a cold marble floor. How did she get to be there? Where was the ship, the sea?! Roddy looked up and what she saw made her catch her breath. In front of her was a giant frog. Its skin looked like pure gold, but it didn’t seem cold or dead like metal. It was part of a living creature. It surveyed her with dark blue eyes that gave Roddy the impression that she was looking at the sea itself.

“I Golden Frog, god and protector of the sea” said a deep rich voice.

“I found you almost dead in the sea. You would have soon been dead had I not took you down to this temple where gods even higher then myself healed you.”

“But in exchange for your life, you must pay a price. You must travel with me and serve under me as I protect the sea”

Do you accept these terms?


Roddy thought hard. What would happen if she said no? She thought that if this was the price she paid for her life, if she would most likely die if she said no. Refusal was suicide. So in a weak voice, Roddy replied “Yes I accept”


And so Roddy became the great rider of golden frog. He was her family now. Although Golden frog was known for his cruelty he was very kind to her.  Over the years she forgot all about her sister, her past life. Golden frog was like her father, and she was princess of the deep. 


Part five: Izzy


Red Koi surveyed the limp figure in front of him. The sight of Izzys half dead body made him feel a great sorrow. Not because Izzy was hurt, but because for the first time in millions of years, he could not save someone. He could not stray out side the water. He was forbidden by a curse long ago. And so as he saw this land creature sink before him he was truly sad because even if he healed her, Izzy’s past life would be forbidden to her.

But Red Koi could not just sit and watch Izzy die, so he took the small body and swam. He dived so deep that Izzys body would have been crushed with the pressure of the water, had she not been in Red Koi’s protection.

Red Koi had reached the bottom of the ocean. Carefully he placed Izzy on the ocean floor. He would have to act fast, the girl was almost dead. Red Koi summoned all the power he could and thought hard.

“I banish the water for thy lungs”

“I grace thee with water breathing”

“May the ocean guide you well.”

Red Koi was relived when he saw his blessings worked. He settled down to wait until Izzy awoke.


When Izzy did awake she did not believe anything at first. She had Gills! She could breathe underwater. Surely this was just a mad dream. But what she saw next made everything around her a little more weird and yet, a little more real.

She recognized Red Koi immediately from her fathers tales of the sea. But the story could not do this beautiful being justice. Red Koi’s scales looked like Beautiful red rubies, and the sea had polished them until they shone.

Izzy sat mesmerized and Red Koi told her what had happened to her, and how he had saved her. Then he asked If she would his partner.

So Izzy Gladly said yes, and overtime the creatures she rescued came to know her as a “sister of the Koi”.

But as much as Izzy loved Her new ocean family, she could never forget her past life, or what was left of it. Her mother would be very old now, maybe dead like her father and Roddy who had perished in a ship wreck. It seamed like a lifetime ago.



Gossip travels fast on land and it is no different in the sea. Many animals travel and migrate, and by doing so they carry news with them. So though it took many years, Izzy learned of her sister life. She didn’t know what to think. True, she was overjoyed at the prospect of seeing her sister again, but what was this about her teaming up with golden frog? Izzy knew from her fathers stories that Golden Frog was a being of cruelty that killed sailors. Infact Izzy had her own suspicions that it was golden frog who was responsible for the storm that had killed her father, and almost killed her. 

 As the joy Izzy had initially felt started to fade away she started to dwell on these thoughts. She did not remember what her mother always used to say. “No good can come of dwelling on the past dear, no good at all”…


Part six: Battle


A god and its rider aren’t really seprete beings. Deep inside they share a connection. Though this connections they share many things, thoughts and ideas and emotions as well. So that is why when Izzy came to her decision, She and Red Koi acted as one.


Izzy felt more lost and confused then she ever had in her entire life. Why had her sister head teamed up with a monster instead of seeking out her. She was horrified that Roddy probably spent her time tormenting sailors with magical storms.

Izzy was incapable with thinking clearly. She couldn’t bare the thought that Roddy was probably responsible for Innocents’ deaths. Izzy sympathized greatly with all who had lost a loved one at sea. She remembered only to well her own fathers death. Something had to be done. She realized with despair that the only person who had the power to put an end to Roddy’s tyranny was her. So Roddy set out to find her sister for there first, and last reunion.


When Izzy and red Koi found Roddy she hesitated. She and her sister had been very close. But Izzy didn’t want to be responsible for any more deaths that may occur if Izzy let her sister go. So with a trident in her hand, Izzy attacked.

Roddy had forgotten all about her sister in her years with golden frog. That life was dead to her. All she saw was and impertinent brat. How dare she attack the mighty daughter of golden frog!

So Roddy fought back. Spears clashing, lungeing blocking matching each other blow for blow as the gods slowly circled each other. The once clear sky was now stormy, the wind violent. The sea was thrashing like an animal breaking out of a cage.

But the equality of the match could not last, for Izzy, still loved her sister, and her attacks were half hearted. Roddy soon bested her. With a great leap Roddy jumped on to red Koi, knocked Izzy's trident out of her hand and pointed her spear at Izzy’s neck. Roddy was ready for the final blow.

Izzy’s felt only sorrow and fear. It was her fault that she was about to die. She was afraid, would she have to live through to much pain before her inevitable death? How foolish she had been, maybe she could have just talked to Roddy, convinced her to come to her side. She hadn’t even got Roddys side of the story. Izzy tried to steel herself for the end.

But Roddy could not force herself to kill. Something deep inside her stirred. Memories that she had threw away came back. A Ship, some faces, her father and mother. Tears spilt down Roddy's cheeks as she watched her past memories flow in front of her eyes once more.

When she finally came back to reality the sea had calmed and the sky was once clear. She held out her hand, finally recognizing the face that belonged to her sister. She thought about the night that her father had died, and how she thought that she would never see her sister again.

 “Well Izzy, she said now smiling, the storm has finally passed” Izzy smiled she felt truly blessed to be alive. She would inquire about Roddys actions later. For now there was only a joyful reunion.


Part seven: poison

Izzy and Roddy, together once more, sat on golden frog discussing all the events that had happened in the years they were apart. Izzy was in midsentence when to her horror, she saw Roddy slump, and crash towards the waves. This was serious because unlike Izzy, Roddy couldn’t breathe underwater. Izzy hurriedly pulled Roddy from the water and dragged her to safety. For a split second, Izzy wondered if this wasn’t a sort of cruel joke. These thoughts were instantly dispelled by the sight of blood in the water and green oil floating in the waves.

Izzy inspected Roddy. It wasn’t hard to find the wound, blood was flowing freely from the three pronged gash in Roddy’s side. It was already starting to get infected. Izzy mentally kicked herself. She was so happy to be reunited with her sister, and be alive that she hadn’t noticed Roddy was hurt.

Of course Izzy knew why Roddy hadn’t mentioned it, Roddy had probably been hurt much worse before, so she probably wasn’t worried about a small cut from her sisters trident. But what Roddy didn’t know was that Izzys weapon was infused with a deadly poison.

Izzy cried out in anguish. She knew that though the cure was simple it could only be found on land, witch of course was thousands of miles away from where they were. For the first time ever, Izzy felt trapped in the middle of the ocean. She knew all to well that it probably spelt death for her sister.

A small black spot was appearing on the horizon. As it drew closer and closer Izzy saw it was a ship. She felt a glimmer of hope. If the ingredient she needed was on that ship, Roddy might live yet. It was there only chance. So with hope in her heart once more, Izzy set a course to the ship.


Part eight: meetings


            The healing lady looked up and saw two figures, riding on what appeared to be a Koi and a Golden colored frog. She gasped when she saw them. She could tell they did not recognize her old face, but though many years had past the healing lady still recognized the faces that had often haunted her dreams. She knew that they were her daughters. Her search was over. But she knew there was much work to be done, she had also recognized the gods, and If she wanted her family to be together again, she would have to barter for there lives.



            When Izzy saw the lady on the boat deep in her heart she knew she was a healing lady. She did not question how she knew this, she was to busy feeling relived. If this was a traveling healing witch she would surely have the cure. Izzy opened her mouth to explain her situation when to her surprise, Golden frog spoke first.

“ I understand your expression” Golden frog said the lady in a solemn tone “you will give the cure to Roddy, but you require something in return”

Izzy was slightly taken aback, was golden frog saying that the healing lady already knew why they were there? But then again, she was not surprised. It was the lady’s job to recognize things like this. The healing lady spoke

“I’m afraid that in return for saving Roddy’s life you must make a great sacrifice golden frog. You must unbind her from you and allow both her and her sister to come away and live with me once more.

“why must they live with you” asked Golden frog, indignant.

Izzy was wondering the same thing, what did she have to do with this? And what did the lady mean by “once more”?

“Because I am there mother that is why.”

Izzy gaped. Suddenly everything made sense. No wonder this lady seemed so familiar, yet so strange. She was the same face Izzy and Roddy had known and loved for many years, only much older.

Izzys heart went cold, she would have loved to live with her mother, but she and red Koi both knew that it was impossible. She also knew that this talk had to stop. Roddy was dying.

“Roddy need the cure NOW” Izzy said, now almost hysteric.

Golden frog had no choice, he had to accept the Roddy’s mothers terms. So he did.

Very carefully, the healing lady took Roddy’s body from Izzy and feed her the potion that was the cure. Then, they all waited for Roddy to wake up.


Part nine: Paths


Seeing there Mother was a bittersweet experience for the sisters. Both were overjoyed to see there mother again. It was also sad, because they both knew that a chapter of there lives was ending. But it was sad in a slightly different way for Izzy. It wasn’t because it was her fault Roddy had gotten hurt in the first place. Izzy was actually a little happy that it had happened, it meant that Roddy would be free of Golden Frog. No, Izzy was sad because what she wanted most was to live with her long lost mother and sister, and that was exactly what she couldn’t have.

Red Koi had explained to her mother that in order to save Izzy’s life, he had needed to alter her so that she could survive in the sea. This of course, meant that Izzy, couldn’t survive on land properly.

“I’ll visit you all the time though” said Izzy “Every week”

The whole family smiled. Though they knew that they were heading out on different paths, they knew they would meet again.

Not even the sea could tear them apart.