The Sketch Book of El Pollo Diablo

Today I decided I would try My luck at painting, Its fun, and when I finished I thought to my self: Not bad. However I am currently Inclined to think its quite bad as comments ranged from "Your not a great painter yet but you will be if you keep at it" and "she looks sad". Now both of these are compleatly true statements and are very helpfull to me if not my ego, but I still think, was it realy that bad? I mean, I know I messed up the left eye and the face is demented, but it was my first real go at a painted portrat, and I didn't to any planning, I just started painting. I personaly think my use of color for the face is pretty good here.
Ether way, paintings fun. I love not having to draw hair. Did I mention how much I hate drawing hair in blue ballpoint pen? It makes the page curl for some reason and it never looks very good, because if your doing long hair all the lined have to be contour looking. However with acrylic hair is a BREEZE!
So there you have it, I think I will try painting more often to see if I can do better next time.

Hey, do you think it would look better if I gave her an eyepach on the left eye?

Just saying


3/31/2010 11:01:50 pm

I'm reminded of how my parents used to say things like "you're so talented, why do you paint such ugly things?" and I vowed I'd never say anything like that to my kids if I were lucky enough to have any. But guess what? One day you wake up to find out that you're apparently a parent! I really didn't mean it as criticism. What I was really thinking was how talented you are now and how amazing you are going to be because as good as you are now, you are going to be even better!
(and your use of colour is wonderful)


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