The Sketch Book of El Pollo Diablo

Well,  My new years resolution was not to draw more, But that's what I did. Over the past two weeks I've filled up over half of my sketchbook with January's drawings alone! The months not even over yet!

Lately I've been working on two series of comics. Its unbelievably fun, drawing all sorts of different poses and thinking up new ways to use up a page.....gluing pages together to hide drawings I don't like.... People always ask my "why?" when I do that, and then I feel guilty.

Anyways the first series I did was "The battle of the court jester series" which originated from a doodle on the back of my math homework, it's now the title page. I really didn't mean to draw so much, but I just kept getting ideas, and soon it was like, 21 pages long.

The other series I drew is called "siblings" and it got started when I drew the first two faces in computer sciences class (do I ever do school work?) When I drew the girl, I thought she would be saying something like "ya, what do you want" in a very obnoxious way. Then I decided that the boy and the girl were siblings who's parents were away for the week. The brother had cooked dinner, but the girl decided to eat cereal instead, because she was being what my dad would call a "grumpuss". After that things kind of took off and it became a comic.

Currently I am working on a sort of picture book that is entitled "Somebody's Robert" It will be about my imaginary friend Robert Hipinhopolopolis.
I hope anyone who reads this will like my series, and would appreciate any feedback. And please, don't just say I am a horrible speller. I know.


1/24/2010 09:56:16 pm

WOW!!! for someone so young you have been very busy!! great stuff!

2/26/2010 06:00:06 am

Don't ever stop drawing! That's a terrible New Years resolution! Don't stop writing either... and don't worry, your fingers will toughen up.

3/25/2010 03:19:05 am

Just dropping in to say, thanks for the ATC trade at Latcham gallery last night. I got 'Violet'. She's fantastic all on her own, but I was so very impressed seeing all of them laid out together on the table in their bright colours.
You're doing some fabulous work here. Of course you should never stop drawing. What a wonderful accomplishment to fill a sketchbook so quick.

1/21/2011 11:35:33 am

I wish you could publish it soon. You should be proud of your work.


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